Overview of DIPL Program

Welcome to DIPL....


DIPL is a school based literacy program, written for classroom use.


What makes DIPL unique?


DIPL is Australian.

DIPL was written with a combination of speech pathology and teaching techiques, making it a comprehensive and user-friendly program.

DIPL focuses on phonemic awareness skills, not just phonics.

DIPL has 14 unique spelling rules that develop in a spiral manner through the levels of the program, creating a whole school approach.

DIPL does not treat spelling in isolation, but rather integrates spelling with other areas of language and literacy, which is how spelling is used in everyday situations.

DIPL teaches grammar and punctuation in a sequential way that is easy for children (and teachers!) to follow.

DIPL provides children opportunities to practice their auditory processing skills.

DIPL is an explicit and sequential program that successfully integrates all areas of literacy and supports remedial and extension learners.

The DIPL program caters for children from Prep to Grade 6 and beyond!



Each level of DIPL has its own colour which corresponds to a particular year/s of schooling.

Most importantly.......

DIPL is fun!

DIPL is helping students achieve!

Stage Downloads
  • DIPL Overview
  • Contents of All Programs
  • Language Overview for Program
  • Scope and Sequence
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