Professional Development Seminars

Want to know more about Spelling Development? Want a Spelling Continuum you can follow? Need some techniques and games that will engage students and make successful spellers?


The folk at DIPL are sharing the secrets from their successful program with the general population. You can learn all about the best ways to teach spelling. We will provide you with a Spelling Continuum with some minimum expectations for each level. This gives you the guidance about what to teach, in a sequential fashion, that ensures there are no gap in students spelling development! We have three important principles that we use in our program which are: · Decoding – reading strategy · Encoding – spelling strategy · Sound Processing – sound manipulation skills We believe these are the key things students need to be successful readers and writers (who spell correctly!) You can learn about the value and importance of these approaches, as well as fun ways to integrate them into your current spelling lessons. In order to engage students we will provide you with games, hands on resources and handy tips to children improving their spelling skills. You don’t need to commit to buying our program, this PD gives you an insight into the teaching style and content that has been having great results for over 20 years!

Visit our Events page to pick a PD you would like to attend and Register NOW!!